Introducing the Agile Recipe™
Agile Recipes™ were developed for one reason and one reason only: to help you put Real Food on your table faster, easier, & cheaper.
- Delicious preparations for Priority Foods (veggies, fruit, and protein).
- Homemade alternatives for commonly ultra processed foods.
- Streamlined process to minimize ingredients, steps, waste, and clean-up.
- Intuitive, visual layout: information is concise and accessible.
- Ingredient substitutions are listed.
- Options for variations from the basic recipe.
Why are Agile Recipes™ unique?
Every Agile Recipe™ follows the same, intuitive layout so that information is accessible at a glance. The graphic features make it easier to find the information as you look back and forth between your cooking and the Agile RecipeTM. The one-page layout will display concisely on paper or the screen of your device.
Agile Recipes™ will often give the basic recipe and then several variations or options, so you can make it work for you. The variations might suggest additional ingredients, variable flavor combinations, options using store bought vs. homemade components, sweet and savory renditions, or a list of compatible ingredients.
Historically, each traditional recipe would lead to one outcome. For instance, making tacos with ground chicken, turkey, or beef would involve at least three distinct recipes (maybe more!). The Agile Recipe™ for Tacos is one “theme” recipe, with several “variations” outlined. It is a waste of the readers’ time to repeat the same core information multiple times – and make them hunt and peck to find what they need.
There are Agile Recipes™ for several key “from scratch” sauces. In addition, there are simple charts listing ingredients and instructions for 12 short-cut Sauces, 17 Salad Dressings, 11 Brines & Marinades. These handy charts provide quick and efficient options to enhance any meal.
Vegetarian Dishes
Any recipe that is (or could be) vegetarian will have a superscript V at the end of the title. For example, the recipe for Cauliflower MarinaraV is both in the “Veggie” category and is a Vegetarian dish. For Agile RecipesTM, the vegetarian notation means that there is no meat in the recipe or that it is optional.
Agile Recipe™ of the Month

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